my story

My story


Due to lack of interest, three Star Trek scenarios will be on the internet soon. With much love from the writer!


In autumn of 2013, I started to write a script for Star Trek. After a short time, in January 2014, it turned into a three part trilogy. The writing continued for the trilogy, and the three parts are closely connected to each other.

In spring of 2014, I contacted some people who, I thought, seemed appropriate to contact regarding the trilogy. Later, I contacted more people. And so it went, on and on, the last one and a half years... In December 2014, again... with newer people. Then, from February-May 2015, yet newer and newer people...

I totally had official contact, as well as not so official contacts. (Official means here; I “was” not called “unsolicited materials”!)

I received a lot of information about everything surrounding the Star Trek franchise; the studios, and about the people. Some people have since disappeared, some have not.

And, there were people who wanted to help me, and they really helped me along the way. I must thank them all. They are still with me!

That’s all I will say. I have no confidentiality agreement, but I don’t want to talk about this anymore!


I would like to ask everyone not to scold or hurt anyone, or the four studios.

That would be pointless!

All of them were kind and professional.

And, the viewers must understand this is a very complex profession.

The executives at the studios have to make difficult decisions every single day. The pressure, from many aspects is always tremendous. The contracts, partners, investors, money, friends, directors, writers and actors... and the hardest; the viewers!

And sometimes the “bullheaded effect”... yes... that also...


I am working in a similar profession, I know these things very well, and I can just say; this is life. Difficult! But this can be overcome.

The other factor that caused problems was the human aspect... human character. Such are humans.

It’s the same everywhere... nothing different.

Just don’t judge them for acting like humans.

The human factor can also be overcome.

Back to the theme of entertainment:

There is no confidence in new and foreign writers. There were also a lot of ugly court battles in LA because of this. The studios and writers together ruined this confidence. And, the chance for a new writer to get in is rare.

Hollywood is afraid of lawsuits. They would rather give the chance - for example with Star Trek – to a well-known writer friend.

Remark: Some rumors said there were 13 Star Trek scripts rejected (rather, only drafts) in the last year. However, nobody would give me a chance and listen to me face to face. Funny...

They gave 5 writers a chance from the summer 2014 to now. This was in one year. Yet, I wrote a trilogy in that time, but this doesn’t matter...

This is the human factor... I talked about above! Those who have felt this, understand it!


I have extreme opinions about Star Trek, the work of the studios, the market, marketing and the reboot of Star Trek. I never concealed my doubts. I was bold; aggressive and I am a big mouth... worse than Simon Pegg. ☺ So, it’s not a wonder some might dislike me.

But honestly I don’t care about this!

I was not interested in money; I did everything in good will, to try to help Star Trek.


Ultimately; I still respect them, even if they did not allow me the chance of a face to face meeting to defend my trilogy.

And, the last one and a half years has been very-very hard. Even sometimes, somehow, it’s even funny...

However, I have to thank the people who resisted! I became better, and the trilogy is much better than it was one year ago! I also learned the secret of a good movie (I named this secret after Cameron-Tarantino), and I know now and understand why a lot of movies are bad, and blockbusters bomb. I will write an article about this later, and I hope this will help future writers.

Now... Just accept my decision:

The time has come. The viewers and the fan base of the future need to know about this, and I just hope that they will wait for it with loving excitement. Because, I will give them the trilogy for free, with all my love!

I only want to give as much pleasure as I can to whose are curious about this kind of Star Trek continuation.

My hope is to make life a little easier – and to make time pass more quickly - until the next Star Trek movie comes out in the summer of 2016.

And, a lot of fans asked for Roberto Orci’s refused script to be published, so that the fans could read it. Instead... I did it! I will publish mine. There’s nothing to be ashamed of and there’s nothing to hide.

And after this publication, finally... .finally I want to be free... to be free from my own Star Trek prison. (!!!) Then I want to write and finish my other scripts.

Remark: Currently: nine different and unfinished stories.

It was a one and a half year battle... The fight will be over, when the studios start shooting another story.

(Or do not? There is a saying: “We lost the battle but not the war”!) ;-)


But I hope from the bottom of my heart that their Klingons, hard woman character, new race, new planet, deep space, and action scenes will at least be as good as mine! As their two scripts that need Mr. Pine and Mr. Quinto together. (Explanation: Rumors say; they already have the contract for part 4 also.)


So firstly now, my job is... prepare the first part of the trilogy. I just have to convert the script’s 270 pages into a reader-friendly mode... as much as possible.

The writer is in a very bad situation, when the writer is forced to show a very difficult, multithreaded, deep meaning story with huge twists and turns, lots of science and enormous action scenes, in words only. By dry words!!! This is a crime to a writer’s heart. When a story desperately needs the characters’ mimicry, environment, music and spectacular events all together. (Perhaps the ST Crisis talents can help with this.)

But every cloud has a silver lining!


People are not reading very much these days. Today, people’s fantasies and imaginations are very weak. They get everything from television and theaters, so they don’t use their imagination. Now, the Star Trek CRISIS script will be a huge lesson for everyone who wants to know, feel, and understand it... and who wants a quality story, quality science, and not just fantasy!!! Then, quality action, which will get them all thinking. This is not only an action movie, but it also has an appreciable storyline! It is much more!

I am not particularly angry if this scrip/or scripts is not shot. My primary displeasure is that I was not allowed to defend my theory on the future of Star Trek, face to face, by logically laying it all out, and by taking the market into account! The new market!

Like somebody who defends their master’s degree, or like a writer or a marketing professional. This would have been more important to me than to see it in the theaters.

But they were afraid of me, and they didn’t dare stand against me.

Oh... no-no, correction; they were afraid that I would convince them. :-)

And, all of this on track, to fulfill all of the Trekkies’ wishes in the story.

About the trilogy

When I started writing, I took three main things into consideration; the voice of the Trekkies, the market’s needs, and the previous two stories. (Star Trek 2009 and Star Trek Into Darkness.)

And a little from the comments and questions of the actors also.

(I will write an article about it later also)

My vision was about Star Trek

What’s needed?

Fresh, new writing! To create a storyline that is exciting to see/read, and one that will reach and surpass Star Wars’ levels in viewership. Also, to create a new and growing "next" generation of Trekkies.

Is it possible?


A trilogy would be able to do this. It would create something to meet everyone’s needs, something to follow, and love. Science, not fantasy!!! A multi-threaded storyline, old and new characters, twists and turns, deep space, new and strange species, deep hidden meanings and unbelievable war and action scenes... etc.)

Are all of these possible in one film and in a trilogy?


What a Star Trek movie/trilogy have to include?

In the case of the Star Trek franchise:

The Trekkie’s wonder after they read thousands of forums and opinions:

  • science, new species, intellect, the sense of space exploration and wonder, deep space;
  • long, deep meaning dialogues;
  • real Klingon conflict (because real Klingon conflict was never in the franchise before);
  • new or more woman as a main characters;
  • believable and interesting science, to re-create the old dreams of Roddenberry – In this case the goal is: for the child to want to learn and become a scientist because Star Trek sparked their interest. This is one reason why older viewers, parents and film critics have not given Star Trek good reviews.
    (In the case of ST 2009 and ST Into Darkness.);
  • and the main style of Roddenberry; the social criticism, social significance and more emotions;
  • a lot of philosophizing.

But more is needed, to make the new generation of Star Trek, the fan base of NuTrekkies:

  • A storyline where the viewers must think, and one that is impossible to guess. One where there is lots of mystery, twist and turns, and many more surprises. Also, older viewers want the intellectual component.
  • Well developed old and new characters, so that young girls and boys will become their fans also.
  • Humor and unbelievable drama in the film, at the same time – that is what impacts every kind of viewer. The stark contrast is difficult to have in a good storyline. But, if it is well managed, it keeps the viewer from being bored.
  • Trilogy – I think this is the most difficult genre. But, if someone has a good synopsis, the parts help each other to be born.

Every part changes the meaning of the previous storyline’s meaning. (This includes the old stories, ST 2009 and ST Into Darkness, also.)

For example: When ST Awakening would come out, it would change the entire meaning of ST Crisis... and so on. Some questions will remain unclear in ST Crisis, so that the viewers will be curious to see the next movie. The next movie will explain these questions. But, in turn, it will provoke many more new questions. So, the viewers will be curious again to see the next movie, the third part of the trilogy.

But the third part of the trilogy will change the entire meaning of the previous stories, ST Crisis, ST Awakening and ST 2009, and ST Into Darkness, also!

Is it possible to create a trilogy that would multiply the market?

Create a new generation of Star Trek fan?

Grow to Star Wars’ levels in viewer followings?

And, is there a marketing plan possible to increase the viewer numbers in other countries?

Answer: Yes, to all of these.

One just needs to write from the heart, and pay attention to the market needs and take more time to write!

This trilogy took more than one and half year to write. I am afraid that the current writers did not get enough time; they were forced to write a new storyline within a few months. But, I’m afraid that it will just be a template and another mediocre film, again. Because, they are forced and under pointless stress and pressure.

A story needs at least a year to make sense, and not to be full of templates!

My script:

It has mystery, deep space exploration, science, a new species with their own planet, enemies, new characters, the motivations of all the characters, and the outcome of the war are closely linked. These are not just dropped into the story line. So, this is not a template story.

In the case of a good script, it is not necessary to keep small facts secret, and there is no problem if the media and viewers find something out, because the entire script, as well as all three scripts combined (trilogy), is impossible to guess.

One “mystery box” is not enough! It should be understood for studios, writers, producers and directors.

There is only one secret, or mystery in ST Into Darkness (the person of John Harrison).

I can tell you, there are least 25 mysteries in my story! This is not at all the same. This is a vast difference.


I don't use templates. Sadly, ST Into Darkness only had one mystery, namely the case of Khan. That’s one of the reasons why the film was not an extreme blockbuster after the media found out. But, again, this is only one of the reasons!!!

My Star Trek Trilogy

Every part of the trilogy would upset the order in the viewer’s head. This is a unique and difficult story, and to see it once would not be enough. The intellectual viewers will be thinking about the mysteries. The average viewer will like the action. Likewise, a great film is when both get their needs met!

So I want to say, the job of the writers was not perfect in the case of “Into Darkness.” They would have had to think more, and have more time to write - just a little - and their story would have been perfect! (I will write an article about this later also.)

And about J.J. Abrams’s great work: he scratched Star Trek out of the negative “PR valley”. Star Trek has been a mediocre movie, but now it has a future! This is a huge thing relative to the last Star Trek movie in 2002.

But now the franchise needs more renewal! (I will write more about this in an article)

My characters:

They all have important motivations and work in my story. They are not just dropped into the story, like for example, the character of Carol.

To stay with the “Carol” character for a moment, she has very serious and important professional work in my script; she is not just a “dumb blonde.” And the same goes for all of the other characters.

The first part of the trilogy is ST Crisis (STC):

  • The first three parts of the STC script simply develop the storyline and characters... to make it more and more complex.
  • But, there is always something happening, so as, not to be bored. Moreover; the viewer will be more and more curious because of this.
  • There are interesting and surprising science facts and themes continually being presented.
    Then, approximately half way into the storyline, comes the dramas and real crisis. Then comes what the average viewers are waiting for...incredible action and war scenes. Ideas, like never before seen in the entire history of sci-fi movies. Action scenes that the intellectual and choosy viewers will also like. Remember, the picky viewers are bored with action films. But, if we give them a reason to see well developed events and characters, they will then accept and enjoy the action scenes!
  • The second half and last part of the script is filled with exciting events – much drama, action, strategy and war... as well as a shocking end.

An interesting gimmick in ST Crisis:

It includes the “teaser trailer” of the next movie, ST Awakening.

About ST Awakening (STA):

In ST Awakening, the first two thirds happens 300 years ago. The other one third happens in the 23rd century. It talks about the date after ST ID events, while the Enterprise was being rechristened; before the five year mission, and explains what happened on Earth while the Enterprise was on its five year mission! The concealed events are very shocking, and these events will explain a lot of the questions that are left in ST Crisis. But at the same time, new questions appear, and the answers will only be in Star Trek Invaders!

More about ST Crisis:

ST Crisis only refers to the five years mission, and uses some of the results of the five years mission. Somebody asked me; in this case; could ST Crisis be part 4 of Star Trek? (And, ST Awakening, #5; and ST Invaders, #6). I said, theoretically speaking; yes... but practically, I don’t know. That would depend on what they are doing/shooting now...

Where the characters go, what they do, who dies... who doesn’t die... etc...

(Nothing now about ST Invaders)


The end of the film, ST Crisis, is a thriller... the guarantee is this:

  1. The viewers will be curious about the next movie, ST Awakening.
  2. And, this would have been a fitting celebration for the 50th anniversary. (it’s too late)

Like, share if you would like to read the ST Crisis as soon as possible!

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the writer


“The more battles you lose,
you are more experienced for war...”

the writer

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